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If you have crooked or crowded teeth, but you are hesitant about wearing metal brackets, ask Drs. Liang and Liang about clear braces in Washington, DC. Clear braces use clear and tooth-colored materials to straighten your smile. We invite you to contact Liang Orthodontics today for more information and to schedule a visit with our orthodontists.

Clear braces, also known as porcelain or ceramic braces, are a discreet treatment for straightening your teeth. Clear braces function the same way that traditional metal braces, but are made of different materials. They are designed to blend in with your teeth for a more natural look. This allows you to maintain a normal, professional appearance while undergoing your treatment. In addition to this, many patients consider clear braces to be more comfortable than metal braces. Clear braces are often great options for adults and teenagers.

Straightening your teeth has an obvious impact on your smile, even at the beginning of your treatment. Clear braces also help to improve your oral health, as properly aligned teeth are at much lower risk for tooth decay, cavities, and other conditions detrimental to your oral health.

To learn more about the benefits of clear braces and to schedule a consultation with our orthodontist, please contact our office today at 202-966-7711.